Friday, February 13, 2009

Hi there!

Thanks for checking me out on Twitter and clicking through to my little landing page. Here you can find out a little more about me than the limited space in my Twitter profile.

I'm Aether Inglewood. The chica behind Aether Chronicles and @aetheringlewood on Twitter. As your probably have figured out I'm a virtual person. That's to say I'm a someone's avatar in the virtual community of Second Life. If your not familiar with Second Life check out the link just to the right there. Sign up and have some fun. Give it at least two weeks though. It takes a while to make sense.

I spend most of my time in the Steampunk and Victorian areas in Second Life. I live in Mayfair Caledon. But often travle to New Babbage, Antiquity and other Neo-Victorian sims.

I've very recently starting building in Second Life. Mostly airships, blimps, zeppelins what every you want to call them. They are great to cruise around in, perfect for site seeing. You can see some of my builds at my other blog, Inglewood Airships.

What else do I like to do in Second Life and why should you follow me on Twitter? Oh, you know the usual. Running with sissors, sky diving, surfing, horseback riding, listening to music, dancing, Star Wars role play and Cyberpunk. What can I say? I'm complicated!

Why should you follow me on Twitter? Hello! See above. If that's not enough I'm just a hoot! That should be reason enough :)

You can also check me out of Facebook, Stumbleupon, Flickr and Friendfeed. How long does it take to get the hang of Facebook?